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EMC Networker Training

Ad ID: 7850 January 18, 2015 91 views


Contacts:+91-7702999361 +91-7702999371
Online And Classroom Training

EMC NetWorker Overview
•NetWorker hosts and their functions
•NetWorker control data and its use the purpose of each NetWorker Daemon/service
•various backup terms used in EMC NetWorker NetWorker backup process flow

Installing NetWorker and NetWorker Management Console (NMC)
•EMC NetWorker installation process
•Install NetWorker & NMC
•Start and stop the Networker daemons/services

NetWorker Resources and Administrative Interfaces
•NetWorker resource types and their functions
•Networker Resources Administration Platform (RAP)
•Different NetWorker Administration interface lookup

Performing Backups
•Manage files graphicallyPerform server & client initiated backups
•Data flow in server initiated backups
•Configure schedule, policy, directive and client resources.
•Using backup commands
•How to backup Virtual Machines and Databases using NetWorker

NetWorker Media Management
•Function of a NetWorker pool
•configuring a NetWorker pool
•Configuring a label template resources for a pool

Configuring and Managing Libraries
•Device types supported by NetWorker
•Difference between local & remote devices
•NetWorker supported topologies for connection tape libraries
•Configure a dedicated tape library
•backing up NetWorker client to a remote device

Configuring and Managing Standalone Devices
•Configure local standalone device resource
•Configure remote standalone device resource
•Configure and use advanced file type devices

NetWorker Database Management
•Function & content of media database and Client File Index (CFI)
•Describe volume selection process
•Query & manage CFI and media database using GUI and CLI
•Relocate CFI to another file system

Performing Cloning and Staging
•Describe cloning process (save set & volume cloning)
•Perform manual & automatic cloning
•Describe save set staging
•Configure staging resource & performing a manual staging

Administering the NetWorker Server
•Describe log files used by NetWorker & console
•Manage the size of the nsrjobd jobs database
•Create and modify user groups
•Configure parallelism (server, client & save group)
•EMC NetWorker licensing options
•Configure NetWorker in a firewall environment

Administering the NetWorker Management Console Server
•Configure console to manage multiple Networker servers
•Manage Console users
•Create customized reports
•Backup and recovery console database (lgto_gstdb)

Performing Recoveries
•Describe various ways of restoring client data
•Perform a brows able recovery
•Perform a save set recovery

Recovering a NetWorker Server
•Prerequisites for recovering a NetWorker server
•Steps for rebuilding a NetWorker server
•recover the media database, resource file and CFI
•Describe the functions of scanner

Backing Up VSS and Cluster Environments
•Describe how to backup VSS SYSTEM save sets
•How to configure Networker client in a cluster
•Recovering clustered clients’ data
•How to configure cluster nodes a NetWorker storage nodes
•How a NetWorker server works in a cluster

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