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Rs 40000.00

Tableau corporate training in ameerpet

Ad ID: 78090 July 15, 2015 21 views


Phone no 8179736190
Table AU Corse Topics

A) Introduction and Overview.
• Why Tableau? Why Visualization?
• Level Setting – Terminology
• Getting Started – creating some powerful visualizations quickly
• The Tableau Product Line
• Things you should know about Tableau

B) Getting Started
• Connecting to Data and introduction to data source concepts
• Working with data files versus database servers
• Understanding the Tableau workspace
• Dimensions and Measures
• Using Show Me!
• Tour of Shelves (How shelves and marks work)
• Building Basic Views
• Help Menu and Samples
• Saving and Sharing your work

C) Concepts and Options when Connecting to Data
• Joining multiple tables
• Data Blending
• Copy and Paste
• Data Extracts
• Custom SQL
• Publishing and Re-using Data Connections
• Understand how to deal with data changes in your data source such as field addition, deletion or name change
• Re-using and sharing data connections – the concept of meta data
• Working with multiple connections in the same workbook
D) Analysis
• Creating Views Marks Size and Transparency
• Highlighting Working with Dates Date aggregations and date parts
• Discrete versus Continuous Dual Axis / Multiple Measures Combo Charts with different mark types Geographic Map
• Page Trails
• Heat Map
• Density Chart
• Scatter Plots
• Pie Charts and Bar Charts
• Small Multiples Working with aggregate versus disaggregate data

E) Analyzing
• Sorting & Grouping
• Aliases
• Filtering and Quick Filters
• Cross-Tabs (Pivot Tables)
• Totals and Subtotals
• Drilling and Drill Through
• Aggregation and Disaggregation
• Percent of Total
• Working with Statistics and Trendlines

F) Getting Started with Calculated Fields
• Working with String Functions
• Basic Arithmetic Calculations
• Date Math
• Working with Totals
• Custom Aggregations
• Logic Statements

G) Formatting
• Options in Formatting your Visualizations
• Working with Labels and Annotations
• Effective Use of Titles and Captions
• Introduction to Visual Best Practices

H) Building Interactive Dashboards
• Combining multiple visualizations into a dashboard
• Making your worksheet interactive by using actions and filters
• An Introduction to Best Practices in Visualization

I) Sharing Workbooks
• Publish to Reader
• Packaged Workbooks
• Publish to Office
• Publish to PDF
• Publish to Tableau Server and Sharing over the Web

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