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Oracle Demantra Training

Ad ID: 7836 January 18, 2015 47 views


Contacts:+91-7702999361 +91-7702999371
Online And Classroom Training

Demantra Overview
•Demantra Overview
•Demantra applications
•Integration details
•Demantra features
•Demantra Glossery

Demantra Demand Management Component Capbilities
•Demand Management & AFDM Capability
•Demand management Process Flow

Colloborator Workbench and Worksheet implementation
•CWB Work Overview
•Worksheets, Views
•Editing,Saving and retreiving Data
•Audit Trial
•Layout Designer
•Creating Woksheets

Advanced worksheets
•Embedded worksheets
•Open and Open with text

Demantra levels, Hierarchies and Dimensions
•Level Overview
•Level Types, Hierarchy
•Level Editor, Hierarchy configuration

Demantra Series
•Understanding Series
•Series Data
•Aggregation and DisAggregation
•Series Features and Functionalities
•Configure Series

Demantra Security Model
•User Creation and Access
•User Group
•Feature Security

Key Demantra Database Objects & Workflows

•Key Tables Overview
•Key Database Objects Overview
•Demantra Workflow Manager
•Workflow Steps and Group Workflow
•Creation and Execution

Demantra New Product Introduction
•NPI Overview
•Member Management
•Chaining Management

Overview of Analytical Engine, Data Model and Integration
•Data Model Wizard
•Integration Interface wizard
•Integration Overview
•Analytical Engine
•Simulation Engine
•System parameters

ASCP Overview, ASCP Collections
•Demantra Integration with EBS, Demantra Collections
•Demantra s& OP and PTP Overview

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