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Advanced Java and J2EE Training

Ad ID: 7844 January 18, 2015 36 views


Contacts:+91-7702999361 +91-7702999371
Online And Classroom Training

Networking using Java
•Networking Essentials
•Socket Programming
•Multicast Sockets
•GUI Application Development
•Introduction to Swings
•Different Swing Components

Database Programming using JDBC
•Introduction to JDBC
•JDBC Drivers & Architecture
•DriverManager, Connection, Statement,Resultset
•CRUD Operation using JDBC
•Prepared Statement
•Calling SQL functions, Database stored
•Connecting to non-conventional Databases
•Overview of Database Driver Architecture & JDBC Driver Types
•Batch Updates
•Scrollable Resultset
•Updated Resultset
•Working with Rowsets
•Handling Binary Data(Operation on Image files)
•Type mapping & SQL3 Data types
•Using Savepoint
•Connection Pooling

Hibernate Framework
•Hibernate Overview and Benefits
•Configuring Hibernate
•Working with sessions and Persistent Objects
•Logging-log4j Overview and configuration for Hibernate
•CRUD Operations
•HQL- Hibernate Query Language
•Named Queries, Projection Queries, Aggregate Queries
•Query By Criteria
•Query BY Example
•Persistent, transient, and detached objects
•Hibernate first-and secong-level cache
•Object Relationship Overview
•Mapping Collections of Value Objects
•Entity Relationships: 1-N, N-1, N-N, 1-1
•Queries Across Relationships(Lazy and Eager)
•Native SQL queries
•Inheritance Mapping
•Collection Mapping

•Need of Server side Programming
•Comparison with CGI
•Architecture and challenges of Web Application
•Introduction to Servlets
•Servlet Life Cycle
•Developing and Deploying Servlets Generic Servlets
•ServletConfig, Servlet Context,ServletRequest, ServletResponse
•Database Operation Using Servlets
•Deploying Servlets in Apache Tomcat Server,Weblogic Server etc
•Exploring Deployment Descriptor(web.xml)
•Session Tracking & Management
•Transferring Request
•Accessing Web Context
•Passing INIT and CONTEXT Parameter
•Filtering Request and Response
•Filter Servlets
•Servlet Chaining
•Include & Forward Mechanism
•Internationalization using Servlets
•Event Listeners in Servlets
•Web Application Security

Java Beans
•Component Model Services
•Java Beans Properties
•Bean Persistence

Java Server Pages
•Basic JSP Architecture
•Life Cycle of JSP
•JSP Tags and Expressions
•Comparison with Servlets & JSP
•Scriptlets, Declarations, Expressions & Directives
•Action Tags
•JSP to Servlets & Servlets to JSP
•Java Beans in JSP
•JSP Session
•JSP Scope
•Custom Tags in JSP

Struts Framework
•Struts Architecture
•Struts classes –ActionForward, ActionForm,ActionServlet, Action classes
•Understanding struts-config.xml
•Struts flow with an example application
•Use of ActionForms
•Struts Tag Libraries
•Builtin Actions in Struts
•Struts Tiles Framework
•Struts Validation Framework
•Internationalizing Struts Application
•Pagination and Sorting using Display tag
•Hibernate Integration in Struts

Spring Framework
•Introduction to Spring Framework
•Spring Modules
•Spring Core Module
•Spring DAO Module
•Spring ORM Module
•Spring JEE Module
•Spring Web MVC Module
•Spring AOP
•Transaction Management in Spring
•Spring Multi Action Controller
•Spring Integration with Web Services
•Spring Integration with Java Mail
•Spring integration with Scheduler
•Spring Remoting
•AspectJpointcut expression language

Distributed Applications
•RMI overview
•RMI Architecture
•Example demonstrating RMI
•Working with Registries
•Dynamic Stub Loading & Bootstrapping
•Java Naming and Directory Interface
•RMI over IIOP

Enterprise JAVA Beans
•Enterprise Bean overview
•Types of enterprise beans
•Advantages of enterprise beans
•The Life Cycles of Enterprise Beans
•Working with Session Beans
•Statefulvs Stateless Session Beans
•Working with Entity Beans
•Transaction in EJB
•Relationships in EJB
•Message Driven Beans
•EJB 3

Java Messaging Service [JMS]
•Overvies of Message Oriented Middleware
•JMS Architecture
•JMS Messaging Domains PTP & Pub/Sub
•JMS API Programming & Examples

•Why XML?
•XML Schema
•XML Parsers

•Service Oriented Architecture
•Apache AXIS

Java Mail API
•Internet Mail Protocols
•Architecture of Java MailAPI
•Send and Receive Mail
•Working with Mail Attachments
•Reply, Forward and Delete Mails

•Using of AJAX
•AJAX Examples

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