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Amazon Webservices Training

Ad ID: 7856 January 18, 2015 51 views


Contacts:+91-7702999361 +91-7702999371
Online And Classroom Training

Introduction to Cloud Computing
•A Short history
•Client Server Computing Concepts
•Challenges with Distributed Computing
•Introduction to Cloud Computing
•Why Cloud Computing?
•Benefits of Cloud Computing

Networking Basics
•Understanding Networking Concepts
•Application Protocols
•Understanding Linux Files and Networking Tooling
•IPconfig dig, ping
•Traceroute, netstat tcpdump, resolve.conf, ssh, scp/rsync

Amazon Web Services(AWS)
•Introduction to the AWS Product
•Introduction to the AWS Product
•Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2)
•Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
•Elastic Block Storage (EBS)
•Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
•Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
•Amazon DynamoDB
•Auto Scaling
•Amazon ElastiCache

Elastic Compute Cloud Essentials
•Introduction to the AWS Management Console
•Regions and Availability Zones - How to choose the right one
•Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
•Setting up security
•Finding the right AMI
•Launching an instance - How to choose the right instance type
•Security via Key Pairs
•Working with the Security Group
•Assigning Elastic IPs
•Logging into the instance

EC2 Instances
•Deciding between On-demand instances, Spot instances, Reserved instances
•EC2 Reserved Instance Marketplace

Working with AMIs
◦Choosing the right AMI
◦Creating your own AMI
◦Deciding what goes into an AMI

Elastic Block Store (EBS)
•Creating and deleting volumes
•Attaching and detaching volumes
•Mounting and Unmounting the attached volume
•Creating snapshots

Simple Storage Service (S3)
•Creating and deleting buckets
•Adding objects to buckets
•Getting objects
•Deleting objects

Relational Database Service (RDS)
•Selecting the Engine
•Configuring the Database Engine
•Creating your Database
•Setting up automatic backups
•Authorizing access to the DB via DB Security Groups

•Debugging cloud related issues
•Monitoring the AWS Service Health Dashboard
•Monitoring with Cloudwatch
•Getting statistics for a specific EC2 instance
•Getting aggregated statistics
•Metrics for other AWS Services and related namespaces
•Setting up notifications
•Using command-line tools

•Advantages of Elasticache
•Understanding various terminologiesIAM Best Practices
•Cache Cluster and Cache Node

Other AWS Services
•Cache Security GroupsElastic Beanstalk
•Cache Parameter GroupsSimple Notification Service (SNS)
•Cache Node TypesSimple Email Service (SES)
•Auto-discovery of nodesSimple Queue Service (SQS)

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